Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change is a'comin!

Bubba Chandler Boykin

At least that's what I keep hearing. Today brings the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the Unites States. It is obvious to me that the majority of my friends are Republican and none too happy with today's event, while the people with whom I work and the community in which I live are ecstatic and reveling in the glory of the day. Therefore, I have been in the position to get both sides of all the arguments for the past two years. I think we should all step back and look the big picture. President Obama is a man. He's human. He is not the anti-Christ nor is he the Messiah. Change is definitely going to come, but it won't be overnight and might not be all bad for the Republicans or all good for the Democrats. Americans are long overdue for the message that has tried to spread through this country for the past couple of generations: give peace a chance.
Now, since I know that if we keep doing what we've been doing we keep getting what we've been getting, I am going to implement some change myself. This blog is Step Two. Step One involves the two parties I have attended over the past two weekends. I am putting myself out there more. My world has gotten very small over the past couple of years and it is time to expand! I adore the tiny circle of very close friends and family that I have flourished in, but it is time for some fresh faces and new perspectives. I could also use a wardrobe planner!
We have just gotten a new (used) dog who has added another dimension to our home life. Having to get up and walk him at daybreak in 33 degree air was quite a reality check for my teenager! Leaving the door open and hearing me curse as I chased him across three front lawns was a learning experience for my four year-old! I hope the blinds are still up when I get home.

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