Monday, March 21, 2011

Well I'll be dogged....

This is a photograph of my great-grandfather Charlie Caleb Elijah Langston taken around 1910. Grandpa Charlie as my mom called him. And that's his bloodhound, Ring, and a lever action Marlin. Charlie was born in 1875 somewhere in the Carolinas and he loved to hunt. At some point he moved to Florida where my grandfather was born in the Smith Creek community of Wakulla county. Charlie would buy dogs from all over and train them to hunt bear in the woods of Wakulla and Liberty counties. Sometimes he trained the dogs then sold them to other hunters and some he kept for himself, like old Ring here. Charlie was married to my great-grandmother, Mary Francis Langston. She just happened to be another Langston from Smith Creek....Charlie didn't marry his cousin. Mary Francis was known as Fannie by most folks. According to my grandmother she was a strange bird. She even put her wedding ring on Charlie's dog's collar which is why he was called Ring. No one ever knew why she did that but I suppose it is because Charlie spent more time with that dog than with Fannie.

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