Monday, May 21, 2012

Mind Bump

     Some days I really feel the need to write, but then I can't think of anything to write about.  Yeah, there is always something going on at home or school that I could discuss at length, but I do that all the time.  And my writing books are full of creativity-building exercises, but I don't care to publish those.  So I went surfing on the web and found a website for blog post prompts. After clicking through several suggestions, I landed on one that said, "I dare you to write about the next prompt to come up."  Well.  It was a dare, so I clicked and got this:

"The top 5 things to rant about and end up with a blog post :)"

     Me...rant?  Are you kidding?  I can easily come up with five things to rant about: 

1.  FCAT Testing as a way to assess entire school districts, not just students.
2.  The ever-increasing price of groceries.  (What the devil are they making cereal out of that costs five bucks?)
3.  The ever-decreasing amout of parental accountability in my generation and the one following.
4.  Political campaigns that have become mudfights offering insults but no plans for positive change.
5.  Our country's current welfare system that has enabled yet another generation of check-happy people with no work ethic.

     See.  That was easy.  But I don't feel like writing about these things because that just gets me all riled up about stuff I cannot do much about and I've learned not to dwell on the negative.  So, I'm going to go wake up the kiddies and read them some Dr. Seuss.  That's bound to inspire something!

1 comment:

  1. Well there is at least THREE of those I could rant about myself. But it's late...too get my blood pressure I won't.
