Sunday, June 10, 2012

Moving Right Along...

     Everyone who knows me well knows that I plant roots wherever I land.  Deep roots that usually require a bush hog to remove.  When told I have to change something, especially concerning the routine or environment, I pitch a tantrum that would impress a two-year-old.  And I don't feel silly about it, either.  There is always justification for keeping things exactly like they are and have been forever.  I recently bought a new computer and wasted no time setting it up exactly like the one prior.  I hate is highly overrated and is not necessary for progress.  Or is it?
     Exactly a year ago, my principal informed me that my position as art teacher had been eliminated and I was going to teach Pre-K....and I would have to relocate from my classroom.  I won't describe my reaction because it is a little embarrassing and time has proven that the change was the best thing to happen to me in fifteen years.  I have experienced so much personal growth and my love of teaching has been rekindled.  So when he came around last week and asked if I would teach second grade, you'd think I would be okay with that, right?  Wrong!  My face turned red and my skin prickled and I just about blew up.  However, rather than the tantrum that he probably expected, I politely appreciated his confidence in me and begged him to let me stay in Pre-K...and he did!
     That same day, I got a phone call from the office of the local migrant education center and was asked if I wanted to teach a Pre-K summer school class.  I had called them earlier in the month and was told summer positions were filled, so I took that as a sign from above that I was meant to have the summer off and focus on things at home.  I immediately made a list of tasks to accomplish such as household improvements and writing projects.  But now, that plan was jeopardized because I might be working.  Should I stick with my plan or, ahem, change it?  Of course I took the daughter has got to have a vehicle.  So, the Summer To Do List is tucked into my calendar and maybe I will get to some of it.  Did ya notice?  No argument from me that time.  Hmmmmm...
     So this week I found out that I will have the three-year-old class for summer Pre-K.  No curriculum to guide me but an idea of what we should do everyday should be easy enough to manage.  And I have one of my old art students as an assistant.  I love that!  BUT, we had to move out of my classroom.  Y' current classroom is my Holy Grail.  I have written about it before so will spare the details except to say that it is big, bright and cheerful.  The portable we are going into is the polar opposite.  But that is okay...I can handle anything for five weeks.  What?  Who said that?  Surely it wasn't me, the stoic Queen of Let's Keep Everything the Way It Is Now.
     I have a friend who thrives on change and has been pecking away at my inflexibility for years.  I still have a way to go, but am more often pleasantly surprised at myself when I accept something and move on as opposed to fight it or at least complain ad nauseum.  Time marches on and those of us who refuse to put our boots on will eventually be left behind.  This is a life lesson I am just starting to learn as I turn forty-four years old.  The past year has forced me to look change in the eye, pull up my boot straps and get to work.  Argument is a luxury I can no longer afford.