Friday, February 25, 2011

Say what?

So my daughter is starting to prepare for college. She is in the 10th grade and extremely aware of how important her GPA is and exactly what she has to make on the ACT to not only be accepted to a school but receive a big fat scholarship. As if that weren't stressful enough, I have taken the liberty of informing her that her writing skills are far below acceptable (in my opinion, which is the only one that counts here anyway.) What to do? My BFF is a researchaholic and has hopped on the Google and found a way to address this need in a way that is thought-provoking, fun and doesn't smell like homework. Each day we all three receive a writing prompt and have 24 hours to respond and return it. I rather enjoy it. Doling out my opinion comes naturally. Imagine that.

Which brings me around to my point. I abandoned this blog after two entries back in 2009. I love to write but have a hard time choosing a topic. Perhaps this is because I was trained to write by journaling and was almost always given a topic to write about. Perhaps I have a lazy, disinterested brain that looks for any excuse to avoid work. Whatever the reason, it needs to change. Could I become a prompt-generator and in turn inspire myself? Let's give it a whirl:

"If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you most like to have?" Nah. Too cliche.

"Who would you thank first in your Oscar acceptance speech?" Nah. Too FaceBook.

"If you weren't doing your current job, what would you be doing now?" Eh.

"What is your favorite musical act and why?" Nah. Too MySpace.

"What would it mean if all the animals in the world spontaneously began to line up two-by-two?" What??

OK so maybe this is not for me to do. See ya on the Google.